Sunday, June 30, 2013

Does God hear our prayers when we sin? (Ask Dr. Stanley)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lifting up holy hand in prayers. pt:1

I have often said, prayer as no challenger
The scope, its share potency is a 
 head of , an behind us. We are in the
 middle of an ocean trying to grapple
 with all of its implication.

Prayer is a universal necessitate respond
between God and man. It is the dictate 
of the soul. The air we breathe as earthly
being. The righteous person hold it up as
sign of his covenant with the creator . The
wicket of man testifies of its fact, and need
when face with himself in ways unbecoming
not like is fellow men.
.I like Paul's crying request as universal cry for prayer that affect the universality of man's well
being such is his passion. " I urge, then, first of all, that request, prayers, intercession and 
thanksgiving be made for everyone- For Kings and all those in authority, that we may live
peaceful and quit lives,  in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, 
who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.. For there is one
 God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a
  ransom for all men- the testimony given in its proper time. And for this purpose I was
 appointed a herald and an apostle I am telling the truth, I am not lying and a teacher of the
 true faith to the Gentiles. I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without
 anger or disputing." ( 2 Tim:2:1-8 ), N.I.V.

Oh yes dear friends and partner, our respond to such call in moments like this, will benefit us
 all Is it not the reason for the good new? It is not only our votes count in our cherish elector
 process but here in kingdom warfare. What a awesome privilege to carry everything to God
in prayer. That is my take today, have a fantastic day, see you in pt: 2, so long.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A simple request. pt:2

I really do love children, love to work
with and be in there lives. It is such
an indescribable lifestyle, moments
mark by all things in this global
community of what I would called
the children's World. Its every ones
World, you and I were children
before our adult excursion

Now how about the missing ones
we often do not take note off. The
National Center For Missing &
Exploited Children, reported that
in 1999, 800, 000 goes missing.
200,000 abducted by family members,
58,000 by non- family members. The
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
missing child statistics for a ten years
period 60,582 ( 2007).

I will add, that is a small faction when compare to the world over. The missing children,
 those sold into slavery, sexual servitude, or free labor market. Abduction, suicide,mental
 illness, genocide, cult, religious organization, natural disaster, or famine, escaping from
 domestic abuse, then there the an going Syrian Civil War, they too need our prayers.

Here I might be asking you to take an the World, undoubtedly so, yes, a request for our
 children, the missing ones.Will you dear partners, take sum time out today, and pray for
the missing children in our world? that would be great appreciated. That is my take today,
 have a fantastic day, and I pray his favor be yours.
. Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically."