Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Collingsworth Family - The Prayer

Friday, September 6, 2013

Prayer quotes for the moment

" Prayer is where the action is " ( John Wesley ) .

" God does nothing except in response to
believing prayer " 9 John Wesley ).

" The man who mobilizes the Christian Church
to pray will make the greatest contribution to
world Evangelization in history " ( Andrew
Murray ).

" What the Church need today is not more
machinery or better, not new organizations or
more novel methods, but men whom the Holy
Ghost can use- men of prayer, men mighty in
prayer" ( E.M. Bounds ).

Our prayer lay the track down which God's
power can come like a mighty locomotive,
His power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us
without rails" ( Watchman Nee ).

"...( the ) power of can never be overrated. They
who cannot serve God by preaching need not
regret. If a man can but pray he can do do
anything. He who knows how to overcome with
God in prayer has heaven and earth at his
disposal " ( Charles H. Spargeon ).

That is my take today, have a Godly and awesome one. Note our motto " Think critically and pray
strategically " So long friends.