Friday, May 31, 2013

I will, even if am alone

Heb4:16 Let us therefore come
boldly to the throne of
 grace, that we may obtain
mercy and find grace to help
in time of need.( N.K.J.V).

 Both the picture, and the
 word from the writer to
 the Hebrew community
do speak with a tone
 unmatched done, does it
 not? Well,if you ask me,
 a thousand times yes.

The verse said we are to come how,
" Boldly " to the very throne of grace.
Why are we to come? that we may
received the mercy of God, and in
all of that, here is what we will find,
" Grace to help in time of need." What
an awesome opportunity given us, specially for a time like this. Partners, this is our, season,
 the moment for us to boldly ask of God, who is able to grant even more than what we are 
 able toask. To day I will ask of him, for the suffering brother an sister in place where death
 travel with them, simple because they name the name of Christ. What will you ask of him
 today?. IF we do not ask, nothing will be done, if ask, the possibility is unlimited.. 

That is my take for today, have a fantastic day.

" Think critically and pray strategically"

( Note: Do not own copyright to this picture).

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A simple request. pt 1

"The U.S. Department of Health and
Human services determined that in
2010, besides the estimated 2.1
million orphans in America, 754,000
children were confirmed victims of
" maltreatment"- through either neglect
or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

According to another report, an estimated
254 ,375 entered foster care for the first
time, and 254,114 were released. Yes
those numbers really are that close. And
the same is true every year a survey is done.
Essentially for each child who leaves the
system, another takes his or her place in an
endless cycle of turmoil and instability, but
for the children and the overburdened
caseworkers who do their best to look after
them".( Source: A publication of In Touch
Ministries - June 2013, p:33).

This report is one small piece of a  huge dilemma that faces literally thousands children each
day.The U.S situation is nothing to be compare to the World condition. Now without giving
you graphic details of the brokenness, the wound carried by this sediment of the children
around us I simple request your prayers with me for them today." THEY DO NEED OUR
That is my take for today, remember our motto is: " Think critically and pray strategically."
Have a fantastic day. so long partners.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

From my heart to yours.

I have been away from you for awhile, of such, I
was unable to do any posting. However you were
certainly in my thoughts and prayers.

I must say, am ever grateful for the wonderful
opportunity to shared, to engaged with you an
this awesome God given journey through prayers.

St. Paul said it best " I will therefore that men
pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without
wrath and doubting." 1 Tim:2:8.. With said I add
the words of S.D Gordon " Prayer strikes the
winning blow, service is simply picking up the
pieces." A.J. Gordon, " You can do more than
pray, after you have prayed; but you can never
do more than pray until you have prayed."

 Now shall we continue an this business of prayer.
 Yes friends, what a bless opportunity to pray to a God

 that hear and answered prayer, oh my. What an awesome
 privilege  just  to carry everything to him in prayer.

That is my take today, " Think critically and pray strategically." Have a fantastic day.