Saturday, December 14, 2013

What A friend we have in Jesus Reharmonized/ David Grant

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

As The Deer

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Lord's My Shepherd - Stuart Townend

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Look at me God! I am a broken?

The need to pray. Then She made
a vow and said, " O Lord of hosts, if You will
indeed look on the affliction of your maidservant
and remember me, and not forget your maid-
servant,but will give your maidservant a male
child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days
of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head."

Is this not the cried often from hearts that is broken?
You will agree that this world is broken in so many
ways, an the wounds and hurts felt deeply. It is
ironic that it is also through this dilemma as we seek comfort, healing, restoration, peace, that God walked and is walking along with us.The Psalmist
had this to say, " Even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your stuff, they comfort me".

So often we miss it because we don't know it, or we too overwhelm by the situation, and
 not seeing the solution.God always as a way out for us.. As you go to him in prayer, listen
to what He is saying to your spirit, the word, an to those whom you seek counsel. 

 Am closing now, an that is my take for today. Your strength, and the answer to your prayer.
  I pray.You will be just fine, because God is right there with you. So long friends.
" Think critically and pray strategically"


Friday, September 6, 2013

Prayer quotes for the moment

" Prayer is where the action is " ( John Wesley ) .

" God does nothing except in response to
believing prayer " 9 John Wesley ).

" The man who mobilizes the Christian Church
to pray will make the greatest contribution to
world Evangelization in history " ( Andrew
Murray ).

" What the Church need today is not more
machinery or better, not new organizations or
more novel methods, but men whom the Holy
Ghost can use- men of prayer, men mighty in
prayer" ( E.M. Bounds ).

Our prayer lay the track down which God's
power can come like a mighty locomotive,
His power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us
without rails" ( Watchman Nee ).

"...( the ) power of can never be overrated. They
who cannot serve God by preaching need not
regret. If a man can but pray he can do do
anything. He who knows how to overcome with
God in prayer has heaven and earth at his
disposal " ( Charles H. Spargeon ).

That is my take today, have a Godly and awesome one. Note our motto " Think critically and pray
strategically " So long friends.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Prayer an the word Pt:1 of 2

You cannot pray and lest you begin to pray.
you learn the sear-ct and experiences the power
of prayer when you pray. Its more then mere
emotion at play in communicating to God. It
must be of the Spirit, the will an on enduring
 passion of the soul, fully abide in the word.

A friend said recently " prayer is hard work"
We got to pray and pray right, and the word
of God should an must be our bases for  doing
so. I liken the bible to one giant book of prayer.
Become a lover of the word, then allow it to
drive you to your knees in prayer. Here John
" If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you,
ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto
you" ( John 15:7, A.S.V).

From the reading of John's statement, one sees the collation between the " WORD " and
 our prayer live. Abide in the word will gives authenticity to our prayer, for in this manner
 there is the assurances of answered prayer. Not only there is the assurances of answered
 prayer, but the reveal will of God for our lives. This assuring in our daily walk in Christ, its
 application is maturing and moistening in growth as child of God.

"The Word of God represents all the possibilities of God as at the disposal of true prayer." 
 A.T. Pierson.In our busy world, time must be make for  the studying  word, meditating on
 it in prayer., this add meaning to our daily activities as Christian.

That is my take for today, note our motto: " Think critically and pray strategically ." Have
 a fantastic day.

Prayer an the word.( Pt: 2 of 2 ).

One must not underestimate the word of God
when come before him in prayer. John 15: 7
( Amplified Bible ), " If you live in me ( Abide
vitally united to me and my words remain in 
you and continue to live in your hearts, ask
whatever you will, and it shall be done for you"

The word of God is our live blood to true
prayer. How are we then to pray if we knew
not the word? Through it we have the
assurances of answered prayer. It is where
we find God's will for our lives.

Going back to the Old Testament, here is this compelling instruction to Joshua, Joshua 1: 8
" This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day
and night, that thou mayst observe to do according to all that is written therein: For then
thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success". Simple put,
without the word, we done have  prayer.  Now if we should stop the verse at this, there would
be some measure of last as to the full impact of the verse, but we will come back to it when
dealing with the phase " Meditate Therein". However  our reference is the  " This book of the law".

Dear Partner and Friend, as we go to prayer, let the word be there as we go to it. Let it
richly dwell in you. Where the prayer goes, let the word goes too, and I tell you this, prayer
will be prayer.

That is my take for today, have a fantastic day, an our motto is: " Think critically and prayer


Friday, July 5, 2013

Thanks for your prayers, ( Fr: Room 2114 ).

This poem was written out of the triple by pass that
my 84 year old Mom recently went through, and was very successful.

Thanks for your prayers

With sweetness to heaven's ears. Plead from the souls below, up over rocky mountainous slop.
 The father's clamber swan open, falling grace
 swept the floors here on earth, causing jetting
 laughter and smile.

Thanks for your prayers, we could not have done it
without you. They delighted the space wherein we
spurted, stretching from head to toes. What a place
when the way get blurry, and darkness set in.

Thanks for your prayers, it greeted the lonely moments with cheers. Your care was felt on 
 the dot 24/7, lighten dark hours, gratitude with attitude extrude, then life speaks in tone
 that awaken the dead.

Thanks for your prayers, we can only repay by saying thank you. It is not a mistake, thank
you from all of us, the recipient of your benevolence, thank you.
Do hope you enjoyed this price. For poetry you can go to http:// thepoetvoice. WordPress.
.com  Have yourself a bless day partners, and be reminded of our motto: " Think critically
and pray strategically."

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lifting up holy hand in prayers. pt:1

I have often said, prayer as no challenger
The scope, its share potency is a 
 head of , an behind us. We are in the
 middle of an ocean trying to grapple
 with all of its implication.

Prayer is a universal necessitate respond
between God and man. It is the dictate 
of the soul. The air we breathe as earthly
being. The righteous person hold it up as
sign of his covenant with the creator . The
wicket of man testifies of its fact, and need
when face with himself in ways unbecoming
not like is fellow men.
.I like Paul's crying request as universal cry for prayer that affect the universality of man's well
being such is his passion. " I urge, then, first of all, that request, prayers, intercession and 
thanksgiving be made for everyone- For Kings and all those in authority, that we may live
peaceful and quit lives,  in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, 
who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.. For there is one
 God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a
  ransom for all men- the testimony given in its proper time. And for this purpose I was
 appointed a herald and an apostle I am telling the truth, I am not lying and a teacher of the
 true faith to the Gentiles. I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without
 anger or disputing." ( 2 Tim:2:1-8 ), N.I.V.

Oh yes dear friends and partner, our respond to such call in moments like this, will benefit us
 all Is it not the reason for the good new? It is not only our votes count in our cherish elector
 process but here in kingdom warfare. What a awesome privilege to carry everything to God
in prayer. That is my take today, have a fantastic day, see you in pt: 2, so long.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A simple request. pt:2

I really do love children, love to work
with and be in there lives. It is such
an indescribable lifestyle, moments
mark by all things in this global
community of what I would called
the children's World. Its every ones
World, you and I were children
before our adult excursion

Now how about the missing ones
we often do not take note off. The
National Center For Missing &
Exploited Children, reported that
in 1999, 800, 000 goes missing.
200,000 abducted by family members,
58,000 by non- family members. The
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
missing child statistics for a ten years
period 60,582 ( 2007).

I will add, that is a small faction when compare to the world over. The missing children,
 those sold into slavery, sexual servitude, or free labor market. Abduction, suicide,mental
 illness, genocide, cult, religious organization, natural disaster, or famine, escaping from
 domestic abuse, then there the an going Syrian Civil War, they too need our prayers.

Here I might be asking you to take an the World, undoubtedly so, yes, a request for our
 children, the missing ones.Will you dear partners, take sum time out today, and pray for
the missing children in our world? that would be great appreciated. That is my take today,
 have a fantastic day, and I pray his favor be yours.
. Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically."

Friday, May 31, 2013

I will, even if am alone

Heb4:16 Let us therefore come
boldly to the throne of
 grace, that we may obtain
mercy and find grace to help
in time of need.( N.K.J.V).

 Both the picture, and the
 word from the writer to
 the Hebrew community
do speak with a tone
 unmatched done, does it
 not? Well,if you ask me,
 a thousand times yes.

The verse said we are to come how,
" Boldly " to the very throne of grace.
Why are we to come? that we may
received the mercy of God, and in
all of that, here is what we will find,
" Grace to help in time of need." What
an awesome opportunity given us, specially for a time like this. Partners, this is our, season,
 the moment for us to boldly ask of God, who is able to grant even more than what we are 
 able toask. To day I will ask of him, for the suffering brother an sister in place where death
 travel with them, simple because they name the name of Christ. What will you ask of him
 today?. IF we do not ask, nothing will be done, if ask, the possibility is unlimited.. 

That is my take for today, have a fantastic day.

" Think critically and pray strategically"

( Note: Do not own copyright to this picture).

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A simple request. pt 1

"The U.S. Department of Health and
Human services determined that in
2010, besides the estimated 2.1
million orphans in America, 754,000
children were confirmed victims of
" maltreatment"- through either neglect
or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

According to another report, an estimated
254 ,375 entered foster care for the first
time, and 254,114 were released. Yes
those numbers really are that close. And
the same is true every year a survey is done.
Essentially for each child who leaves the
system, another takes his or her place in an
endless cycle of turmoil and instability, but
for the children and the overburdened
caseworkers who do their best to look after
them".( Source: A publication of In Touch
Ministries - June 2013, p:33).

This report is one small piece of a  huge dilemma that faces literally thousands children each
day.The U.S situation is nothing to be compare to the World condition. Now without giving
you graphic details of the brokenness, the wound carried by this sediment of the children
around us I simple request your prayers with me for them today." THEY DO NEED OUR
That is my take for today, remember our motto is: " Think critically and pray strategically."
Have a fantastic day. so long partners.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

From my heart to yours.

I have been away from you for awhile, of such, I
was unable to do any posting. However you were
certainly in my thoughts and prayers.

I must say, am ever grateful for the wonderful
opportunity to shared, to engaged with you an
this awesome God given journey through prayers.

St. Paul said it best " I will therefore that men
pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without
wrath and doubting." 1 Tim:2:8.. With said I add
the words of S.D Gordon " Prayer strikes the
winning blow, service is simply picking up the
pieces." A.J. Gordon, " You can do more than
pray, after you have prayed; but you can never
do more than pray until you have prayed."

 Now shall we continue an this business of prayer.
 Yes friends, what a bless opportunity to pray to a God

 that hear and answered prayer, oh my. What an awesome
 privilege  just  to carry everything to him in prayer.

That is my take today, " Think critically and pray strategically." Have a fantastic day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Take my hand

We will look at prayer through the eyes of poetry.
If  poetry speak to your soul, please check out
 another of my blog at http//thepoetvoice.

                  Take my hand

Lord! take my hand, lead me where you will.
I might ask where to, I will ask how for Lord.

I might shrug, even murmur, but heaven knows,
I knew not the path that lies ahead, so in simple
child like faith. I asked, Lord, please take my hand

That is my take for today, have a fantastic day, his rich blessings be your.Our motto:
 " Think critically and pray strategically".

Friday, April 19, 2013

Am just been thankful.

On April 09/ I left Canada for a two weeks trip to Jamaica,
am suppose to return an the 24,2013. Unexpectedly I had
to get a fly out on the 13. Reason been, my Mom took a
short visit to the Doctor , that in turn lead to an unfortunate
situation. Going from one hospital to another, resulted into a
four hours stay in the operation room, which in take a triple
bye pass, a few days in C.S.I.U. Now I can report that She
 is  OK, the surgery went well.

Well, God is simple good. Am been so thankful for the 
Doctors, Nurses, Support Workers, those who prayed,
and gave there relentless support. God bless everyone.

The short interval of this unpredictable event was quite an
experience for our family. During all this time, what was
most encouraging, is the idea of trust. Often in my spirit
through the word was to trust God to what he desire to do
in all of this. O yes! when its raining on your parade, be it the
dew, or the pouring down, let your trust in Him bring peace to 
your trouble soul.

Well, that is my take for today, hope you been bless by this post.
Do remember our motto is: " Think critically and pray strategically".

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The character of God pt: 3

Trust is on ever presence dilemma  for us .
Who to trust, what and when to trust, but
the truth is, trust is one, are should I say, the
only thing that keep our pules going. On an
this note, , you can consider yourself a real
human.. O that inherit-ate  God consciousness
that gives meaning to our lives as we goes
about our daily live, from day to day.

Now how does this relates to the character of
God?. Consider the word, " Immutable". Unable,
not capable of change; no alteration. Here what
James said," Every good and perfect gift is from
above, coming down from the father of the
heavenly lights who does not change like shifting
shadows" ( James: 1:17, N.I.V.) This is about the
immutability of God's character.

You can trust him, for who he said he is through his word.
You can trust his trustworthiness, regardless of  the
circumstances, argument, culture, political and religious
correctives elements wherever there be. Does time alter
or change God ? no. Isaiah 40:8- The grass whether, the 
flower fadeth;but the word of our God shall stand for
ever.( Ref: Ps: 33:11, 102:24-27, Heb:1: 10-12, 13:8.

Undoubtedly the immutability of God's character  is a
grant stand of our faith in him.On an unchanging God, all things comes from him, all things are completed by him, all things is moving back to him. The past is founded by him, the present is control by him, and the future is in his hand. That completeness is definitely  why  we can trust him to answer our prayer. It was John Wesley who said, "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer".

That is my take for today, have a fantastic day, and remember our motto is : " Think critically and pray strategically ".

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Character Of God pt:2

In our daily walks of live, we encounter what is describe as the
silence of God, that is when prayer goes unanswered . Have
you ever walked down that path before. May be that is not a
valid ed questions, because  that is a major theological discourse
and conflicts we all share.Tell me about it, who as not been there?
God seemly unkind action.

You will quickly agree with me, we often shed better tries, hearts
quell in sorrows, and the evil one  said " I tell you so" he just do
not care.. Now he wants us to call time out on God. if we do, to
who then do we pray to? I think am hearing the Lord's disciple
saying, Lord! to who should we go to now, when you are the only
hope that we have, and the true is, there is no one else.

The true is, God always answered prayer. We are delighted when
he answered our prayers in the affirmative, yes! but no, wait, not
now. You see, on the contrary, no, wait not now, is still in the
affirmative, for God's character dictate  that he be true to who
he is. No, wait, do not  contradict what the bible  stated by
saying that "He will grant the desire of our heart ".

As Christian, whatever live path take us, we are called to trust
under any situation. We been given 365 days for the year, 24 hour
for the day, 12 months for the year, 1444 minutes for the day, and
is allotted to us to trust.There in the confidence he is working all out
for his glory and our good.

It gets very hard here, isn't ? Lord have mercy. Let me encourage you, as
well as myself. When God is silence in whatever the time frame is, try to
understand the dynamic of your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ,
it will prove helpful in sustain g faith. The self-revelation of God in all of
his attitudes is one of dependable. He who is, was, and will be is
Jehovah-Jireh, the one who provides for his people ( Gen: 22:14 ).
( Ref: Ps: 90:1,2, 23:1-6, Rev: 1:4,8; 4:8, 1 Thess:5:17; Ps: 37:3-5 ).

That is my take for today, be bless, have a good day, see you next time.  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Character of God pt:1

The character of God revealed to us that  he can be known, hence the know-ably  of God. My focus here is in the light of what the bible say of him. On an that note, since he can be known, and  is known, there is the definitive possibility of a God who answered our prayers. In answer to our prayers, our relationship to him through the Lord Jesus Christ is base upon his word.

Now that lead me to this, his faithfulness. Faithful to the promises of his word. God fulfilled what he said he will do, and he will do more abundantly than that which we are capable of asking according to his will.
Are we not his children? sure we are. His love is a revealed love, since it is revealed in us the recipient of his grace and mercies, he answered prayer. God's character is ever reassuring, his love and care for us is a never failing one. So in coming to him in prayer, we can humbly say " Our father which are heaven" ( Ref: Matt:6:9, Lam:3:23, 1 Thess:5:24, 2Thess:3:3,Heb:6:18, Num: 23:19, John 4:24.

for now, that is my take for today, and remember our motto: " Think critically and pray strategically", have a bless day.

Friday, March 8, 2013

A labor of love.

As you begin to read through the writing of
Paul, you quickly realize the weight and depth
of his prayer live. I recall not long ago a statement
heard  that a " Man is not greater than his prayer
live. How remarkable that is

In the story here, it is so revealing, particularly his
to the Colossians Christian, where with other
fellow ministers , " cease not to pray" for them.
The desire need of their prayer were " That ye
( The Colossians ), might be filled with the
knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding . That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God . Strengthen with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness." ( Col:9-11 ).

It is so important to see, and capture the essence of the whole story here. The dynamic , the bound ,the calling ford a relational-ship in prayer for other, to desire there well being in faith.
 A nurturing, and the maturity in the living out of relationships, in manner that is benefited to them as individual, more so as a community of believer. Make no mistake about this, life is 
 hard suffering and of such along the path way,  prayer is indeed a labor of love.My encouragement to you, and so for myself, be not weary in prayer, it is   a  labor of love.Stay with it, see it through, until God shows up, and do what only he can do, answer prayer. Have a good and godly day, and remember," Think critically and pray strategically."

Note: for lovers of poetry, see The journey of a poet , at hpp://thepoetvoice. please do enjoy.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The dark places of prayer

Could it be you are in a dark place
of your prayer live? That is your
pressing place right now, 21 days
and counting.Here is a reminder
that God as not forgotten you. The
bible story of Daniel comes to mine
and how God came to his rescued
by sending the angel to released open
heavens gate if you will. Verse 12 of
chapter 10. ' Then said he unto to me.
Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand , and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. Verse 13, But the prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood me"  Are you been withstood by the princes of  Persia, spiritually speaking? stay the course, and focus. At your pressing place, you need to press through. At the moment of your greatest need, is the moment of your greatest opportunity. Your, hope, the expectancy of that  prayer request lies in God, who is the source.  In order for your victory, my victory to be experiences in the nature, we must won in the spirit., so hold fast, and so doing, listen to what the Spirit is saying through the word into your spirit.

Here in closing, see Jesus at his pressing place of prayer asking of the Father i n heaven. And he was withdrawn from them about a stone cast, and keeled down, and prayed saying, Father: if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more
 earnestly  and his swear was as it was great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And when he arose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow (Luke  22:41-45. K.J.V.) 

I do hope you been bless,  go on with God in faith, it is the realm of possibilities. Remember our
motto is " Think critically and pray strategically." 

( Note: Do not own copyright to this picture).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Will we pray again?

I clearly remember the last time America prayed,
or may be it would better stated, I remember the
day the world prayed. Quite a giant step for human
kind. Your bet is good as mind, of the time, 9/ 11.

It was then, now will we pray again? Am I not too
ambiguous, or over zealous in the business of prayer?
Am not sure, but I will quote John Wesley on this one.
" Prayer is where the action is." Action! cut, you heard
those word before, it is sum of Hollywood most telling
words. "Action!" and before you know it, you get " Cut."

We need " Action" E.M.Bounds, " God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces of against evil"" What the Church need today is not more
machinery or better, not new organizations or more novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost   can use-men mighty in prayer" E.M.Bounds.

If we do not pray, we will become a prey. If we do not pray, the heaven will stay its rain. If we do not pray, there is no doors to unlock. If we do not pray, no aid for the fighting, and we will die a victim. If we do not pray, no victory to report and celebrate. If we do not pray, no helper to assisted with bearing the our cross. If we do not pray, God will not hear what is it that we have to say. If we not pray, heavens will not gather to say lets go for the humans are calling. If we do not pray, the fire will not fall. Will we pray again, like yore of your, till reformation fire burns, vanquishing evils tides, and set the world on fire with his holy flames?. Lord hear us we pray.

On that is my take take today, you have yourself a fantastic day now. Do remember our motto is: " Think critically and pray strategically."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A pressing place.


Commitment, and submission to the
Sovereign Lordship Of His Father. He does it best   
what a mark of true    excellence. He was able to face his suffering, trials,  ultimately his death.  Because in his pressing place, he seeks heavens aid. In the end, he overcame
 triumphantly. Victory celebrated, so awesome

 May I ask, where exactly are you, at your pressing   place, isn't, been 21 days now, and nothing happen? Micheal the ark-angle have not yet arrived, felicity, fears, the body is thinning out on you. Needless to say, this is most difficult, it is your pressing place. I will assure you, as I often assured myself,am in the place of possibilities and I will not let up. My appetite as no bounds, my destiny, purposes and vision must be fulfill, hence my commitment. The faithfulness of his word I bound myself by at this time in my pressing place. Matthew 7: 7 read as follow, " Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." ( K.J.V.). Frankly put, am hungry, very, very hungry, and in this pressing place, I'll not be dined. Am closing , and for those of you who visit today, I'm in prayer with you right now as you stand in your pressing place, that God will do for you. God bless.

Be reminded that our  motto is " Think critically and pray strategically "     

That is my take for today, and you all have a fantastic day.

Note: Do not own copyright to this picture.

Pastor Smith~ Near The Cross

Monday, February 4, 2013

The diffcuitly with prayer pt.3

 Closing off pt: 2 was with James 5:16 " The effective fervent prayer of a
righteousness man availeth much " I say that to say this, prayer is a labor of love. It is our pressing place. That pressing place is about our destiny, our vision, our  purposes and commitments, our subject obedience y
 to the authority of Christ in our lives. All of the above
 is within the realm of a covenant dual-ship. We are
 not alone, we are not our own.

Our best example of that is the live of our Savior himself. Bear with me here.. You see from the point where we are coming from, to the point where we are now, and ultimately
where we are going. Remember destiny, vision, purposes,
and commitment? all this give rise to our identity in Christ Jesus as his children in the earth..

Now get you a bible and lets look ( read ), Matthew 26: 36-47. Do not concern yourself with the assumption that O! ya, this is Jesus. The devil will play with this on your mind like Ray Charles on the piano.
.Its like so what are you trying to proved now, just let him know what is to be proven as already proven so go his way. O.K, Matthew here is a vivid pro-trade of Christ at this pressing place. The most agonizing of all his live on earth, and destiny beckon in. He won the fight by his submissiveness, the process by which our victory is attain in Christ Jesus. Shall we say amen to that

Well! I got to go at this point, you I would think, so see next time with some practical goodies on this difficult journey of prayer. Thank for this time sharing together, so long friends. God bless. Our motto is,
" Think critically and pray strategically "

Note: Do not own copyright to this picture.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The difficulty with prayer pt.2

Time is of great essence, but you might want to have a look again on our
first episode pt:1 to refresh yourself. will you?. The skeptic is always challenging us about the values and the effectiveness of our prayers. Its been said, Queen Mary  remarked that she" fear the prayers of John Knox, than the whole army of Scotland ", powerful, is it not? On the way we are having great challenges and difficultly as well, both corporately and personal

Now if he is having difficultly believing in God, then prayer might be off the radar .Since the first order of business is faith, which to me takes more faith not to believe than not to. Just as how a person is faithful in the faithfulness of his unbelief which brings nothing relating to God, his whole living
 being is a natural habiatad , which his existence is base  from his perspective.

The natural man understood not the things of the spirit.A spiritual man must understand that his domain is different.God is a Spirit, so his first order of business is to connect by faith in the spirit with spirit. Here is the thing, God make it possible for to come before him in prayer, and all aspect the Holy Spirit will aid us.The scripture sated, " Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." ( Romans 8:26 ).

Great care must be taken to allow the Holy Spirit into our prayer lives. He is the convincing truth of God, the ennoblement in our prayers.He took our cries in whatever state or form in God's presence.. Richard Sibbes remarked is this ' God can pick sense out of our confused prayer" Be reassured that whatsoever the difficultly in our prayer live, we must like the disciples who asked, " Lord teach us to pray."  Luke 11:1.James said " The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous men availeth much" James 5:16.

I will break here for now, stay refresh and focus on the Lord in your prayers even when facing extreme adds. See you in pt: 3, remember our motto: " Think crtically and pray sttategically." I am praying for and with you, God bless.
Note: Do not own copyright to this picture.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Most popular (playlist)

Prayer as no challenger

It is the symphony of the soul cry,man to man, man to God God
to man, and the heaven still  to let the wailing sounds of  earthen comes to its ears. 
From parch places, to depth of ocean floor, up rise struggling,stumbling lips, languages of the perishable meeting the imperishable.

What glories when heaven, is in attendance.

On our motto: "think critically and pray strategically."

That is my take for today.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The great debate, Pt: 2.

God is God, and he just knows how to deal with the
issues in our lives. He is not off in some distance  atmospheric place caught up in his own fantasy
island.He is with us, walking along side, beholding
our order every day. Dost it not matter to him where
we are, and what we are experiencing now? Emphatically, I say yes. This is far fetch  when we
are experiencing or seeing the cranial circles of  violence, war, poverty,and whatever the barbaric mayhem besetting humanity Oh glee where is he? The theologians debating it, scientific minds analogize it, the common man pander it in  some sarcastic ways and there are other who simple crying, Lord! help us. A benevolence God is saying I can, and I will help, cry.

May be one of the thing we lest looked into deeply, as like doctors doing open heart surgery, is the divine providence of God in this whole human affairs throughout history. Certainly their are silver cards which left no doubt in my mind that someone bigger at work in all this. He got us all cover, no matter what. God is in love with us, and he saying come let sit, and have a talk. In your simple way just let him know this is it Lord.!
The beauty about it, is that God wants to here, on answer our prayers. Many of you  are praying, press on.

Now the following will I pray strengthen our resurgent as the debate continue in the human mind.

  • You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than prayer, until you have pray- A.J. Bounds.
  • No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study  no gifts will supply its lack-E.M.Bounds.
  • When prayer has become secondary, or incidental, it has lost its power. Those who are conspicuously men of prayer, are those who use prayer as they use food, or air, or light, or money. M.E. Andross.
  • True prayer is measured by weight, not length. A single groan before God may have more fullness in it than a fine oration of great length.- C.H. Spurgeon.
  • Eloquence is drowning out our prayers, making it very difficult to deal with the heart -A.A.Cuff
  • .Prayer is the only burden need carry-A.A.Cuff.

 Remember as the great debate continues, we need to pray no matter what, it is prayer time friends. let us all pray, shall we? By the way next in the series is " The difficulty with prayer." You see the difficulty with prayers is the psychological process of dealing with ourselves when faces with the character of God. See you then.

Our motto is: " Think critically, and pray strategically." 

Note: ( Do not own copyright to this picture).

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The great debate, PT:1

I would like to share with you a few things from a small booklet still in the workshop. Different chapters will brake down into series. We also will look at the difficulty with prayers. Someone said " We are condemn to
meaning.", and that is an indisputable fact. On an this seemly contradictory path again, I quote ." God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference ."

Amen to that , shall we ?. Given an overview of the above, live is awesome, wonderfully sweet, but what about the chaotic? . One of my work booklet, " Life is hard bend your knees and then rise", yes, it is out this choc us  we find solutions for our problems. The comfort for the comfortless, hope for the hopelessness. Life is really hard, we experiences the agong of defects, the glories of triumph, the resiliency of the human spirit to rise against all the adds. Personal defeats reminded us that we are human and force to the good

Bye now you must fully aware that we are not alone. Here the consoling, comforting word of the Psalms. This too is a prayer, and I will say this, the bible is one giant book of prayers men calling upon the name of the Lord. PSALMS 23. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not wont. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou properest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Am closing pt 1, and pick up pt 2 next as the great debate continue from my booklet, " Contemporary prayers at the box office."

On what is our motto ? " Think crucially and pray strategically " Amen.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Charles Stanley ~ Prayer Our Time Saver

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises official trailers playlist (playlist)

Now am by no means a movie goer , may be I never slow down long enough to taking any. Most of the time I do so with a D.V.D. " The Dark Knight Rises" what a blast, a sure hit. I am reminded of other vicious elements in our mist, that is always challenging our faith, destroying lives, and desiring to to bring us to
 naught. We need our  Dark Knights of faith to rise in PRAYERS ,AND ACTIONS, TO TAKE A STAND NOW THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE.

Make no mistake about this, it is that our weapons is not the once you see in this movie. Our weaponry are not carnal, they are spiritual, for defeating the enemy on every front in this warfare. Pedro said this, " The weapons of our warfare can only be exercised in the place of prayer."

I will add this prayer, " God grant me the serenity to accept the thing I cannot change: the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." now we all can say amen to that. shall we ? Oh!
watch the clip below.

" Think critically and pray strategically." 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Calling up the reservists, it is prayer time.

Acts 12: 1-5. Now about that time Her'od
the King stretched out his hand to harass
some from the church.
2 Then he killed James the brother of John
with the sword.
3 And because he saw that it pleased the
Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter
also. Now it was during the Days of Un-
-leavened Bread.
4 So when he had arrested him, he put him
in prison, and delivered him to four squads
of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him
before the people after Passover.
5 Peter was therefore kept in prison , but
constant prayer was offered to God for him
by the church. ( N.K.J.V. ).

" think critically and pray strategically"

( Note: Do not own copyright to the picture ).

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The only burden need carry.

Quotes for today.

" If you do not pray, you easily become a prey!" Pedro Okoro.

"The weapons of our warfare can only be exercised in the
place of prayer." Pedro Okoro.

" Every source of blessing is a point of attack" David McGee.

"Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose
our arguments, despise our persons, but they are powerless against our prayers" T. Sidlow Boxter.

" We are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly, gentlemen discussions. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those claim the name of Christ." Francis Schrieffer.

This is my take for today. the only burden need carry, lets pray, it is prayer time.

Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically. "

Note( Do not own copyright to this picture).

Monday, January 14, 2013

W.E.B. Dubois " Give us Grace ."

" Give us grace, O God, to dare to do the
deed which we well know cries to be done.
Let us not hesitate because of case, or the
words of men's months, or our own lives.
Mighty causes are calling us- the freeing of
women, the training of children, the putting
down of hate and murder and poverty- all
those and more. But they call with voices that
mean work and sacrifices and death. Mercifully
arrant us, O God, the Spirit of Esther that we
say: I will go unto the King and if I perish, I perish"
 That is my take for to day, " Think critically, and pray strategically' You can sent your prayer request to an lets talk to the Lord about it, shall we?

Note: ( Do not own copyright to this picture ).

Friday, January 11, 2013

From my perspective.

 I dare to say a life of prayer is one of living, in the daily  walk of
 live. It is fellowship, as it is worship, spiritually speaking..
 The cross is never for behind;as it is the ever pressing waite of
 glory. Where there is fervent, purposeful prayer, it never willl fail to ignite fire. The naked truth is, it is fire, and glory is its presence.

If prayer is prayer as it ought to be, it then on owns to
obedience, for his will is all that matters. " Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven." In the servant hood of services, the
subject to the object is sublime in this our labor of love.

Note that any true meaningful, fulfilling live of the believer of
faith, find its true place in prayer.It was John Wesley who said
" God does nothing except in response to believing prayer. These words ring true,that is so awesome. Paul reminded us
that we can do all things through him, that is Christ. You will agree
with me, that is a powerful assurance to lay claim to, wow!
 I close with this, " Prayer strikes the wining blow; service
 is simply picking up the pieces" S.D.Gordon.

 On that is my take for today.

Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically ".

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How dared you.! it is because of:

Heb: 4-16 Let us therefore come boldly unto
the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy
and find grace to help in time of need. That was
the writer to the Hebrew. The certainty of the
writer name and date is sum what not clear, but
at any raid the urgency of this verse is so pronounced.
The urgency is like the declaration of war of one
country to another. It was John Knox who said,
" Give me Scotland else I die!" 1543-1572, that
was daring, and I will say great boldness.

Now I don't know where you were on June 5/ 1989 when this picture was flash across our television sets of
the popular democratic reform movement lead by student in China. Here a bold protester stood in front  the
might of the Chinese army. Personally I don't  remember where I were at the time , but the case in point here
is this stunning acted of  bravery, what a bold stand. If you indeed a believer in prayer, then you must pray,
right.? A encouraging though here is to come boldly. In this the hour of our humanity, it is imperative that we
come boldly and ask of God, shall we.?   

Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically. " 

Note: ( Do not own copyright to this picture)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

" Unconditional affirmation."

" I 'm going to hold steady on you,
 an' you've got to see me through"
Harriet Tubman.

 What acted of faith, and of the certainty that
God will see us through, but we must come boldly.

Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically."

Note: ( Do not own copyright to this picture).

Monday, January 7, 2013

Is our prayers a box office hit?

Prayers do get complicated, sometimes from our belief system, and often we are not sure if the gods or God, answered our prayers. Could it be that we do not
really know how to, especially to get the answer we seek in prayer.? No wonder the disciple asked " Lord teach us how to pray."  There was this something about Jesus prayers that they wanted to emulate him, hence the simple requested.. He responded in the affirmative and began to teaches them by given a method how to
 prayers and do it effectively. I think this is the heart of the matter, don't you?

Here are some pointers to remind ourselves of when we pray:

  • Motives: It must be pure, disregard the hidden agenda.
  • Sincerity : Say what you mean, and meant what you said
  • You are asking of God, not man, and this should be utmost in our mind.
  • It is His desire that we come to Him in prayers. 
  • Only you can pray like you can pray, do not be afraid   
I have come to the realization that in prayer, the first encounter must
be with ourselves. Who we really are, and before who we come.
Oswald Chambers as this to say, " The battle of prayer is against two
things, in the earth lies wandering thoughts, and lack of intimacy with God's
character as revealed in his word. Neither can be cured of once, but they
can be curse by discipline."

About that box office hit, bear in mind the pointer above. Now in closing, there is
the scripts, the players, the directors and God, who will simple do what
he dost best, deal with our prayers according to his will for our lives. Yes friends,
God do answered prayers, and we ought to pray.

Motto: " Think critically and pray strategically.""

Note:( Do not own copyright to this picture).